Prize: $100 Gift Certificate provided by Raven Luxury Events Inc.
Doug Minter
Special Guest:
Abbas Amarshi, Reference Librarian, Business, Science & Technology
Toronto Public Library
About This Event
Join the CBCC for a night of speed networking and test your Black Trivia from throughout the African Diaspora! This is an opportunity to grow your network, meet new and returning members and have fun doing it! Sign up and play against your peers in this individual battle for the right to be the King or Queen of Black History. Questions will cover historic people, places, and themes throughout the Diaspora from Canada back to Africa.
MCDoug Minter
Management Consultant
Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce
Abbas Amarshi, Reference Librarian, Business, Science & Technology
Toronto Public Library is a public library system in Toronto, Ontario. It is the largest public library system in Canada and in 2008, had averaged a higher circulation per capita than any other public library system internationally, making it the largest neighbourhood-based library system in the world.